Immunity booster pasta 💪


Immunity boosting pasta? Sure!
It's not a pretty pasta but don't diss it till you try it. Both kids are on their third plate as we speak and Adam said, "I said I want more green (spinach)!!! 😠" While I was feeding him.

Keep your freezers and pantry stocked, guys. We don't always have fresh ingredients available and we can't eat out all the time.

Serves 2 adults and 2 hungry kiddos.
½ packet pasta
2 tbsp olive oil
1 heaped tbsp minced garlic (anti-inflammatory+antioxidants)
2 large tubs @anyameals Vegan Broth (gut healing)
2 cups frozen spinach/4 cups fresh round spinach
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp onion powder
½ tbsp turmeric powder (immunity booster)
Cracked black pepper (piperine increases bioavailability of curcumin in turmeric)
Himalayan pink salt/sea salt to taste

Note #1: Feel free to replace onion powder with diced onions (I ran out of them lol)

Note #2: Instead of pasta, toss spinach mixture in steamed rice with a touch of cumin! Guaranteed yummers.

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